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What The Next Rated Category Award Really Means - HIPTV

HipTV explains "next rated award" category after backlash from fans for including singer TeknoHeadies Award organizers Hiptv gave an explanation of what the next rated award categoryreally meant and who qualified to enter into it.Read their statement made via instagram below ;Over the years, Nigeria’s most prestigious music award, The Headies has strived for excellence in building the award on true values of integrity, transparency and responsibility. We have worked hard to reward artistic ingenuity since day one andalso educating the teaming fans of the award, the public and the entertainment industry about the rules of the awards and the criteria for nominations in each category. Often times, we realize that the fans, people in the industry and themedia are either misled or not paying attention to the rules and criteria for nomination.Hence, it is important to set the record straight and continue to enlighten the industry and the fans. We recognise how important The Headies is to our industry and we will not take information for granted.Next Rated for example are officially unreleased artiste in the year under review. This means, no matter how good or popular your song may be, how many hit singles or how many good music videos you may have, if you have not recorded andreleased an official album, you are still eligible to be nominated for that category. In the same vein, you may start your career a year ago, as long as you have released an album, will not the eligible for nomiation in the Next Rated Category.

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