Beware When You Notice All This In Your Life
1. Beware When prayer becomes a difficult thing for you.
2. Beware When fasting is becoming a history in your spiritual timetable.
3. Beware When you no longer enjoy reading the word of God.
4. Beware When attending church programme is becoming a burden rather than a blessing for you.
5. Beware When living a life of holiness is appearing like extremism.
6. Beware When sinful living becomes a lifestyle in the name of grace.
7. Beware When you crave for earthly things rather than the things of God.
8. Beware When waking up in the night to pray is becoming a thing of the past.
9. Beware brethren, when your heart no longer desires to see the Lord Jesus one day.
10. Beware when you eat more than you pray
11. Beware when you no longer share the word with others.
12. Beware When u start diluting the preaching Word of God to keep people around you.
13. Beware When you spend more time on Facebook, whatsapp, twitter, and internet. These things become idols and take the place of God.
14. Beware When you ignore messages such as these.
Beware of all these, brethren. Satan isn't resting. We too must be vigilant.
Lets prepare, Jesus is coming soon to take those who are eagerly waiting for him.
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