Net Freedom with HTTP Injector || SSH on Android
Today, I bring to you the ultimate tool(for android only) to a secured free net on all ISP.
**** Please Read from the begining to end so won't miss out on the most important thing (MTN, ETISALAT....... fbt). It's so easy and you'd definitely thank me later
Although, I'd been using this in a long while but I do have a reason for not posting earlier. I'm so sorry!
1. I was busy with school stuffs and Electronics project. Thanks to the Almighty, I'm a graduate now
2. I don't want to create a thread while i'm not available for questions.
3.Former versions of this app has some security and many other issues. Fixed now! and very much safe with new and great features too.
What is the name of this great app for net freedom?
"HTTP INJECTOR" all the way from Evozi team ( . You can call it "HI" or "EHI"
Where can I get this app????
Playstore. Link>>>
Why am I not uploading the apk instead? Well, some configs for HI may be locked for "Play store installation only"
In order not to get restricted, Pls download from Play Store!
How does it work??????
1. It modifies outgoing data requests (meaning you can make MTN think you access while you're already downloading a movie)
2. It sends a request via a desired/specified proxy
NOTE: THIS APP IS FOR PROFESSIONAL USERS!!! (but don't get scared)
. You can always get it so easier with my config files
Does my device have to be rooted before I can use HTTP INJECTOR?????
**** NO. HI doesn't need root. You can connect to ssh servers on vpn mode (just as Psiphon does). However, Iptables mode is available for rooted device. You can use HI with a third party vpn like Openvpn for Android, Finchvpn too ****
Payload: HTTP header data that will be injected
GET http://bug_host/ HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nConnection: keep-Alive[crlf][crlf]
CONNECT [host_port]@bug_host\r\nHEAD http://bug_host/ HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: \r\n\r\n
In the above payloads, \r\n = injection line just like in your simple server
bug_host = the host on which you get free access
GET and HEAD are the http request method
[netData] = CONNECT [host_port] [protocol]
[crlf] = \r\n
HI supports [realData] too
Note: Payloads are not the same for different bug host. Although, it's hard to explain. However, you'd always a working one if you understand http request / response anyway
Remote proxy : port >>>> Your ISP or Squid proxy that allow access to your bug host
Payload generator >>> to generate payloads (although, this may not be suitable in most cases. you might need to modify it yourself so as to suit your need).
It has a built in SSH client similar to Bitvise on PC for connecting to ssh servers.
Host checker: To check if a bug host is alive
IP hunter >>> This is the art of phreaking like an Indonesian friend used to say
.Use it to hunt for local IPS e.g 10.185.xx.xx ( I'd be sharing a working one for ISP i'm not going to mention now. SOON)
IP Route : To exclude route for Openvpn (needs root though). Not neccessary though, since you can do that manually on ovpn files.
I test all the features(from old to new) of this app before any release on Play store so feel free to ask questions or log your complain. You can contact if you see a bug to report. Although, Evozi team is working on some known bugs already.
My master do say, Nigerians are used to openvpn servers ...hehehehe. Yeah! but we all know that it slows down download speed once the ovpn file is modified (unless you Injected by modifying data requests). SSH servers would give you maximum speed from your ISP.
Where can I get free premium SSH servers? ANS:,,, you can also buy vps online(cheapest $5/month) and create a Squid proxy / Ssh servers over cloud with Open terminal / Openssh on LINUX for private use.
Where can I get free premium openvpn servers? ANS:,,
Why is there no PC versions?
Well, there is. It's only available for the Personal use. But as you know, locked config on any PC software can be easily unlocked by the app itself. If there'd ever be a free version someday, you wouldn't be able to load config. could seem useless
How to Use
1. This app listen to port 8989. Therefore, to use HI, you need to set ISP's APN then use "" as the proxy server and "8989" as port on your access point name.
2. For connecting to SSH servers, Write a working payload with a proxy that allows connection to your bug host, setup your ssh settings and Click start! Watch the magic
*HI uses configs just like Openvpn and other apps*
3.If you'd love to use HI with an Openvpn servers, use Openvpn clients ( "Openvpn for Android" "FinchVPN" or "Openvpn client") .add the bold text below on a new line to your ovpn file.
http-proxy 8989
route "Remote proxy" net_gateway
to connect to Proxy >>> and exclude route
Start HI on a working payload/config, import your ovpn file your Openvpn clients and connect!
Advantages of using HI over other similar apps
1. You have a total control of your configs. You can lock your config; from the payload, remote proxy, ssh servers, ssh account details independently
2. It uses very less memory of your RAM compared to most tunneling apps you're used to.
*I'd be updating the first page of this thread. Please do check for the latest cheat whenever there's a bug host on any of the ISP*
Working HI Config Files for MTN
We all know there's a bug host on MTN bb10 plans at the moment. I created a config file for this!
Download "[Mtn_bb10_SSH].zip" for working HI config you can use with any ssh servers. Either from or, e.t.c.
Download "[Mtn_bb10_tcpvpn].zip" for working HI configs you can use with "" openvpn servers
Download "[Mtn_bb10_admin].zip" for working HI config including my cracked ssh servers
Extract each of the files in your desired folder!!!!!
Working HI CONFIG Files for ETISALAT
Since there's a bug host on ETISALAT Smart pak plans too. I created a config file for this!
Download "[Eti_smart_fastssh].zip" for working configs on fast ssh servers
Download "[Eti_smart_tcpvpn].zip" for working configs on openvpn servers
Download "[Eti_smart_admin].zip" for working HI config including my cracked ssh servers
Extract each of the zipped files in your desired folder!!!!!
Note: these cfgs would keep working as long the bug host used in creating them are still alive and not yet patched!
TCPVPN.COM Openvpn Servers
In case, you might want to use HI with openvpn servers, I'd edited all the tcp servers (.ovpn file extension) available at for both Mtn and Etisalat
For Mtn, Download "[Mtn_tcpvpn_servers].zip" and extract into any folder of your choice
For Etisalat, Download "[Eti_tcpvpn_servers].zip" and extract
How to Import HI config files
--- With a file manager
a. If you have a file manager, use it to locate your config( .ehi file extension) and tap it. It'd prompt HI and import the config
----From HTTP Injector
b. Tap the three dotted button at the top-right
Tap Import config, locate the folder(e.g [Eti smart fastssh] or [Eti smart tcpvpn] for Etisalat and [Mtn bb10 all] or [Mtn bb10 tcpvpn]) which contains the config you want to import. Tap the folder.
look for the config file( .ehi file extension) you want to import and tap it. it'd import.
Extract "[]" >>>> [Eti smart admin] folder containing HI config on my cracked premium ssh servers (USA server)
Extract "[]" >>>> [Mtn bb10 admin] folder containing HI config on my cracked premium ssh server (USA server)
>>> Create an access point with No Proxy, No port and activate it for data services
>>> With respect to your ISP and data plan, Import the config "Mtn_bb10_admin.ehi" or "Eti_smart_admin.ehi" from the folders.
>>> Turn ON mobile data. Click "START" and wait for it to connect! .(You can monitor it's progress from the log)
If the Etisalat config fails to connect or the download speed of the server is slow, Clear the Remote proxy : Port in the imported config and replace with USA proxies from "" or any of those proxies
ort you hunt for etisalat
.Connect again!
**** However, configs on my cracked ssh servers may not be as fast as, Fastssh servers *******
Please Note: The configs I created for MTN can be used with any ssh servers while The configs I created for fastssh servers are for Etisalat users only
Extract [Eti_smart_fastssh].zip >>>> [Eti smart fastssh] folder containing configs that works with Fastssh servers for Etisalat smartpak plans
***note the keywords in the names of the config*****
The config "Eti_fastssh_Eu.ehi" >>>>> meaning that the config works for all fastssh servers in EUROPE. i.e Netherlands, France, Germanye.t.c. Note "Eu"
while "Eti_fastssh_IJ.ehi" >>>>> meaning that the works for Indonesia and Japanese servers at only. Note "IJ" GOT IT?
****Although, Custom messages (guide to using the config) would be shown on the app upon importing my configs. Please Read!!!!! **********
Please, use the config with respect to the ssh account you created at!!!! (you can see how many times i've mentioned this oooooooooooooooooooo)
****Now, follow the steps below to use the configs*****
Visit .Scroll down and you'd see links to create ssh servers. Click the servers in a Continent (Europe if you're using Eti_fastssh_Eu1.ehi oe Eti_fastssh_Eu2.ehi) and then click "Create SSh account" on any country(e.g Netherlands) you want to create an account with.
Type in your username at the right side(for 7days account) and click "create ssh account"
Wait for the page to load and scroll. then click "Continue create account"
Wait for the page to load. Type in your password and answer the simple maths question and create
After your ssh accounts has been successfully created,you'd see a screenshot like below, please note this!
****Remember once again!!!! The keywords in the config names "ALL" meaning that the config works with any ssh servers, "EU" meaning that the config works for all fastssh servers from EUROPE while IJ mean it works for Indonesia and Japanese servers! (you can see how many times i've mentioned this now oooooooooooooooooooo)
Step1 >>>>>> Create an access point with No proxy and no port and activate it for data services. Why not Proxy: and port: 8989???? Well, I noticed that etisalat always try to redirect your data to Even on MTN, do the same! Set your access point to no proxy, no port.
Step2 >>>>> Launch your HI and Import a config e.g Eti_fastssh_Eu1.ehi from [Eti smart fastssh] folder just as explained earlier
Step2 >>>>> After your config file had been successfully imported, Click ssh settings and fill up your details as described / shown below
hostname: ssh server IP from which you created an account(at e.g
port: 443
password: ********
SSH servers
Mode: Vpn mode for non-root users . Vpn mode or Iptables mode for rooted device
*Tips: If you're having problem connecting with vpn mode, please use Iptables mode if you have a rooted device*
If you need to share vpn via wifi, use VPN mode!
DNS Proxy: Check ONLY when you want to bypass a blocked site. However, it's not necessary! (It may slow down your speed)
Use system Iptables: Check! (A must if you're connecting with Iptables mode)
Step3 >>>>> Now go back to the Home on the app, Turn ON mobile data services and START. Wait for it to connect!
*Extract "[" >>>> [Mtn bb10 all] folder containing a config "Mtn_bb10_all_SSH.ehi"
*Import "Mtn_bb10_all_SSH.ehi" into HTTP Injector
*Setup your ssh settings for any ssh account. Either from,, just as explained above and connect!
Extract "[]" >>> [Eti smart tcpvpn] folder containing Etisalat smartpaks configs you can use with servers.
Extract "[]" >>> [Mtn bb10 tcpvpn] folder containing Mtn bb10 plans
config you can use with servers
*The folders contain the configs for servers*
***Please note the keywords in the names of the config*****
From the configs in [Eti smart tcpvpn] folder, the configs:
Eti_tcpvpn_ID1.ehi >>>>> meaning the config works with ID1 openvpn servers at
Eti_tcpvpn_UK.ehi >>>>>> meaning the config works with UK servers at
Eti_tcpvpn_USA.ehi >>>>> meaning the config works with USA servers at
For Mtn bb10 plans, the folder [Mtn bb10 tcpvpn] folder contains only one config "Mtn_tcpvpn_all.ehi">>>>> meaning the config works with all servers at
Extract "[Mtn_tcpvpn_servers].zip" >>>>> folder [Mtn_tcpvpn_servers] containing servers (.ovpn file extension) and Save!
Extract "[Eti_tcpvpn_servers].zip" >>>>> folder [Eti_tcpvpn_servers] containing servers(.ovpn file extension) you can use for Etisalat configs and Save!
Step1 >>>>>> Launch HTTP Injector and Import any of the HI config for with respect to your ISP and the data plan you're using (config from [Mtn bb10 tcpvpn] folder for MTN bb10 plans and config from the folder [Eti smart tcpvpn] for Etisalat smartpaks) just as explained earlier
Step2 >>>> Read the custom message on HI upon importing the config.
Step3 >>> Goto scroll down, look for TCP servers and Click "List Servers"
Step4 >>>> Look for the server corresponding to the config you imported into HI and click "CREATE ACCOUNT". i.e If you import "Eti_tcpvpn_USA.ehi" .Look for USA server
If you import "Mtn_tcpvpn_all.ehi" into HI ....Create an account with any server. GOT IT???
Step 5 >>>> Type in a username and password. Verify that you aren't a ROBOT and click "Create account"
Please Note the change in your account username. It should like "" .See the image above
Step6 >>>> Launch "Openvpn for Android" and Import the ovpn file with respect to the HI config you've imported and the openvpn account you created
I.e If you import "Eti_tcpvpn_UK.ehi" on HI, import "" into your Openvpn for Android.
Step7 >>>> After your openvpn server has been successfully imported, Input your account details
Step8 >>>> Go back to your HI, turn ON mobile data and START.(I believed you already import a config). Check that the log says "listening for incoming connection"
Step9 >>>> Launch "Openvpn for Android" and Tap the config you've just imported. Wait for it to connect!
*******If you see "No process running" , Turn off mobile data and Repeat Step5 and Step6******
**** Please Read from the begining to end so won't miss out on the most important thing (MTN, ETISALAT....... fbt). It's so easy and you'd definitely thank me later
Although, I'd been using this in a long while but I do have a reason for not posting earlier. I'm so sorry!
1. I was busy with school stuffs and Electronics project. Thanks to the Almighty, I'm a graduate now
2. I don't want to create a thread while i'm not available for questions.
3.Former versions of this app has some security and many other issues. Fixed now! and very much safe with new and great features too.
What is the name of this great app for net freedom?
"HTTP INJECTOR" all the way from Evozi team ( . You can call it "HI" or "EHI"
Where can I get this app????
Playstore. Link>>>
Why am I not uploading the apk instead? Well, some configs for HI may be locked for "Play store installation only"
In order not to get restricted, Pls download from Play Store!
How does it work??????
1. It modifies outgoing data requests (meaning you can make MTN think you access while you're already downloading a movie)
2. It sends a request via a desired/specified proxy
NOTE: THIS APP IS FOR PROFESSIONAL USERS!!! (but don't get scared)
Does my device have to be rooted before I can use HTTP INJECTOR?????
**** NO. HI doesn't need root. You can connect to ssh servers on vpn mode (just as Psiphon does). However, Iptables mode is available for rooted device. You can use HI with a third party vpn like Openvpn for Android, Finchvpn too ****
Payload: HTTP header data that will be injected
GET http://bug_host/ HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nConnection: keep-Alive[crlf][crlf]
CONNECT [host_port]@bug_host\r\nHEAD http://bug_host/ HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: \r\n\r\n
In the above payloads, \r\n = injection line just like in your simple server
bug_host = the host on which you get free access
GET and HEAD are the http request method
[netData] = CONNECT [host_port] [protocol]
[crlf] = \r\n
HI supports [realData] too
Note: Payloads are not the same for different bug host. Although, it's hard to explain. However, you'd always a working one if you understand http request / response anyway
Remote proxy : port >>>> Your ISP or Squid proxy that allow access to your bug host
Payload generator >>> to generate payloads (although, this may not be suitable in most cases. you might need to modify it yourself so as to suit your need).
It has a built in SSH client similar to Bitvise on PC for connecting to ssh servers.
Host checker: To check if a bug host is alive
IP hunter >>> This is the art of phreaking like an Indonesian friend used to say
IP Route : To exclude route for Openvpn (needs root though). Not neccessary though, since you can do that manually on ovpn files.
I test all the features(from old to new) of this app before any release on Play store so feel free to ask questions or log your complain. You can contact if you see a bug to report. Although, Evozi team is working on some known bugs already.
My master do say, Nigerians are used to openvpn servers ...hehehehe. Yeah! but we all know that it slows down download speed once the ovpn file is modified (unless you Injected by modifying data requests). SSH servers would give you maximum speed from your ISP.
Where can I get free premium SSH servers? ANS:,,, you can also buy vps online(cheapest $5/month) and create a Squid proxy / Ssh servers over cloud with Open terminal / Openssh on LINUX for private use.
Where can I get free premium openvpn servers? ANS:,,
Why is there no PC versions?
Well, there is. It's only available for the Personal use. But as you know, locked config on any PC software can be easily unlocked by the app itself. If there'd ever be a free version someday, you wouldn't be able to load config. could seem useless
How to Use
1. This app listen to port 8989. Therefore, to use HI, you need to set ISP's APN then use "" as the proxy server and "8989" as port on your access point name.
2. For connecting to SSH servers, Write a working payload with a proxy that allows connection to your bug host, setup your ssh settings and Click start! Watch the magic
*HI uses configs just like Openvpn and other apps*
3.If you'd love to use HI with an Openvpn servers, use Openvpn clients ( "Openvpn for Android" "FinchVPN" or "Openvpn client") .add the bold text below on a new line to your ovpn file.
http-proxy 8989
route "Remote proxy" net_gateway
to connect to Proxy >>> and exclude route
Start HI on a working payload/config, import your ovpn file your Openvpn clients and connect!
Advantages of using HI over other similar apps
1. You have a total control of your configs. You can lock your config; from the payload, remote proxy, ssh servers, ssh account details independently
2. It uses very less memory of your RAM compared to most tunneling apps you're used to.
*I'd be updating the first page of this thread. Please do check for the latest cheat whenever there's a bug host on any of the ISP*
Working HI Config Files for MTN
We all know there's a bug host on MTN bb10 plans at the moment. I created a config file for this!
Download "[Mtn_bb10_SSH].zip" for working HI config you can use with any ssh servers. Either from or, e.t.c.
Download "[Mtn_bb10_tcpvpn].zip" for working HI configs you can use with "" openvpn servers
Download "[Mtn_bb10_admin].zip" for working HI config including my cracked ssh servers
Extract each of the files in your desired folder!!!!!
Working HI CONFIG Files for ETISALAT
Since there's a bug host on ETISALAT Smart pak plans too. I created a config file for this!
Download "[Eti_smart_fastssh].zip" for working configs on fast ssh servers
Download "[Eti_smart_tcpvpn].zip" for working configs on openvpn servers
Download "[Eti_smart_admin].zip" for working HI config including my cracked ssh servers
Extract each of the zipped files in your desired folder!!!!!
Note: these cfgs would keep working as long the bug host used in creating them are still alive and not yet patched!
TCPVPN.COM Openvpn Servers
In case, you might want to use HI with openvpn servers, I'd edited all the tcp servers (.ovpn file extension) available at for both Mtn and Etisalat
For Mtn, Download "[Mtn_tcpvpn_servers].zip" and extract into any folder of your choice
For Etisalat, Download "[Eti_tcpvpn_servers].zip" and extract
How to Import HI config files
--- With a file manager
a. If you have a file manager, use it to locate your config( .ehi file extension) and tap it. It'd prompt HI and import the config
----From HTTP Injector
b. Tap the three dotted button at the top-right
Tap Import config, locate the folder(e.g [Eti smart fastssh] or [Eti smart tcpvpn] for Etisalat and [Mtn bb10 all] or [Mtn bb10 tcpvpn]) which contains the config you want to import. Tap the folder.
look for the config file( .ehi file extension) you want to import and tap it. it'd import.
Extract "[]" >>>> [Eti smart admin] folder containing HI config on my cracked premium ssh servers (USA server)
Extract "[]" >>>> [Mtn bb10 admin] folder containing HI config on my cracked premium ssh server (USA server)
>>> Create an access point with No Proxy, No port and activate it for data services
>>> With respect to your ISP and data plan, Import the config "Mtn_bb10_admin.ehi" or "Eti_smart_admin.ehi" from the folders.
>>> Turn ON mobile data. Click "START" and wait for it to connect! .(You can monitor it's progress from the log)
If the Etisalat config fails to connect or the download speed of the server is slow, Clear the Remote proxy : Port in the imported config and replace with USA proxies from "" or any of those proxies
**** However, configs on my cracked ssh servers may not be as fast as, Fastssh servers *******
Please Note: The configs I created for MTN can be used with any ssh servers while The configs I created for fastssh servers are for Etisalat users only
Extract [Eti_smart_fastssh].zip >>>> [Eti smart fastssh] folder containing configs that works with Fastssh servers for Etisalat smartpak plans
***note the keywords in the names of the config*****
The config "Eti_fastssh_Eu.ehi" >>>>> meaning that the config works for all fastssh servers in EUROPE. i.e Netherlands, France, Germanye.t.c. Note "Eu"
while "Eti_fastssh_IJ.ehi" >>>>> meaning that the works for Indonesia and Japanese servers at only. Note "IJ" GOT IT?
****Although, Custom messages (guide to using the config) would be shown on the app upon importing my configs. Please Read!!!!! **********
Please, use the config with respect to the ssh account you created at!!!! (you can see how many times i've mentioned this oooooooooooooooooooo)
****Now, follow the steps below to use the configs*****
Visit .Scroll down and you'd see links to create ssh servers. Click the servers in a Continent (Europe if you're using Eti_fastssh_Eu1.ehi oe Eti_fastssh_Eu2.ehi) and then click "Create SSh account" on any country(e.g Netherlands) you want to create an account with.
Type in your username at the right side(for 7days account) and click "create ssh account"
Wait for the page to load and scroll. then click "Continue create account"
Wait for the page to load. Type in your password and answer the simple maths question and create
After your ssh accounts has been successfully created,you'd see a screenshot like below, please note this!
****Remember once again!!!! The keywords in the config names "ALL" meaning that the config works with any ssh servers, "EU" meaning that the config works for all fastssh servers from EUROPE while IJ mean it works for Indonesia and Japanese servers! (you can see how many times i've mentioned this now oooooooooooooooooooo)
Step1 >>>>>> Create an access point with No proxy and no port and activate it for data services. Why not Proxy: and port: 8989???? Well, I noticed that etisalat always try to redirect your data to Even on MTN, do the same! Set your access point to no proxy, no port.
Step2 >>>>> Launch your HI and Import a config e.g Eti_fastssh_Eu1.ehi from [Eti smart fastssh] folder just as explained earlier
Step2 >>>>> After your config file had been successfully imported, Click ssh settings and fill up your details as described / shown below
hostname: ssh server IP from which you created an account(at e.g
port: 443
password: ********
SSH servers
Mode: Vpn mode for non-root users . Vpn mode or Iptables mode for rooted device
*Tips: If you're having problem connecting with vpn mode, please use Iptables mode if you have a rooted device*
If you need to share vpn via wifi, use VPN mode!
DNS Proxy: Check ONLY when you want to bypass a blocked site. However, it's not necessary! (It may slow down your speed)
Use system Iptables: Check! (A must if you're connecting with Iptables mode)
Step3 >>>>> Now go back to the Home on the app, Turn ON mobile data services and START. Wait for it to connect!
*Extract "[" >>>> [Mtn bb10 all] folder containing a config "Mtn_bb10_all_SSH.ehi"
*Import "Mtn_bb10_all_SSH.ehi" into HTTP Injector
*Setup your ssh settings for any ssh account. Either from,, just as explained above and connect!
Extract "[]" >>> [Eti smart tcpvpn] folder containing Etisalat smartpaks configs you can use with servers.
Extract "[]" >>> [Mtn bb10 tcpvpn] folder containing Mtn bb10 plans
config you can use with servers
*The folders contain the configs for servers*
***Please note the keywords in the names of the config*****
From the configs in [Eti smart tcpvpn] folder, the configs:
Eti_tcpvpn_ID1.ehi >>>>> meaning the config works with ID1 openvpn servers at
Eti_tcpvpn_UK.ehi >>>>>> meaning the config works with UK servers at
Eti_tcpvpn_USA.ehi >>>>> meaning the config works with USA servers at
For Mtn bb10 plans, the folder [Mtn bb10 tcpvpn] folder contains only one config "Mtn_tcpvpn_all.ehi">>>>> meaning the config works with all servers at
Extract "[Mtn_tcpvpn_servers].zip" >>>>> folder [Mtn_tcpvpn_servers] containing servers (.ovpn file extension) and Save!
Extract "[Eti_tcpvpn_servers].zip" >>>>> folder [Eti_tcpvpn_servers] containing servers(.ovpn file extension) you can use for Etisalat configs and Save!
Step1 >>>>>> Launch HTTP Injector and Import any of the HI config for with respect to your ISP and the data plan you're using (config from [Mtn bb10 tcpvpn] folder for MTN bb10 plans and config from the folder [Eti smart tcpvpn] for Etisalat smartpaks) just as explained earlier
Step2 >>>> Read the custom message on HI upon importing the config.
Step3 >>> Goto scroll down, look for TCP servers and Click "List Servers"
Step4 >>>> Look for the server corresponding to the config you imported into HI and click "CREATE ACCOUNT". i.e If you import "Eti_tcpvpn_USA.ehi" .Look for USA server
If you import "Mtn_tcpvpn_all.ehi" into HI ....Create an account with any server. GOT IT???
Step 5 >>>> Type in a username and password. Verify that you aren't a ROBOT and click "Create account"
Please Note the change in your account username. It should like "" .See the image above
Step6 >>>> Launch "Openvpn for Android" and Import the ovpn file with respect to the HI config you've imported and the openvpn account you created
I.e If you import "Eti_tcpvpn_UK.ehi" on HI, import "" into your Openvpn for Android.
Step7 >>>> After your openvpn server has been successfully imported, Input your account details
Step8 >>>> Go back to your HI, turn ON mobile data and START.(I believed you already import a config). Check that the log says "listening for incoming connection"
Step9 >>>> Launch "Openvpn for Android" and Tap the config you've just imported. Wait for it to connect!
*******If you see "No process running" , Turn off mobile data and Repeat Step5 and Step6******
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