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Etisalat Bblite On Android Is Working Flawlessly With UCMini Handler Browser

if you subscribed to the etisalat unlimited bblite bis data and couldn't use it on your psiphon settings we dropped earlier then here is an alternative to it but this time using UC mini handler,as this one is confirmed working at time of posting
Etisalat Bblite On Android using uc handler
Etisalat Bblite On Android using uc handler

No long story guys,let's just move to the point.

How To Use Etisalat Unlimited BBlite On Android Via UC Mini Handler
+++Default phone settings
==> Name : Bblite Uc
==>Apn : etisalat
==>leave all other field empty
Etisalat Bblite bis unlimited browsing On Android using uc handler
Etisalat Bblite On Android using uc hhandler

UC Mini Handler Settings For Etisalat BBlite BB10 On Android
==>Download the uc mini handler 10.4.2 here
==>Insert this settings below
==>Proxy type : Real host
==>Proxy server :
==>Save your settings and fire on
We also notice that the Bblite is flawlessly working with playstore so i guess its time to download your high dimension app and games like the new Mortal kombat X etc...enjoy while it last

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