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Moe Musa Blast Mo’Cheddah On IG

Drama occurred after female singer, Mo’Cheddah wrongly tagged renowned music video director, Moe Musa instead of her music producer, Mosa in an instagram post.
Mo’Cheddah was in the studio recording, she decided to let her fans know what she was up to and how she was combining her flu with the studio recording. The singer posted a short clip captioned with; “Studio with @mrmoemusa even with a flu I gatta keep going #iwillsurviveStudio with @mrmoemusa even with a flu I gatta keep going #iwillsurvive2”
Moe Musa took heavy shots on Mo’Cheddah for the mistake, however can we really blame Mo’Cheddah for tagging the music video director whose handle is related to that of Mosa?
Read the conversation they had on instagram last night, December 21, 2015 below;

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